Mississippi and Arkansas are going backward. That's why Deon Sanders left that sorry area and that cheap State of Mississippi. No money for the blacks, but you, not them, can call the young black niggas Mr. and Mrs. Mississippi and Arkansas, KKK's own. When I come through there, I'm bringing my attorneys to sue their draws off. each one of those states owes me money. People should move from there to Tennessee; they'll live better. They're training the young people to be uncle Tom and Ms. Suzy. by giving them jobs on the police and sheriff force to keep the black from rising

. "keep them in line or you lose your job, Suzy Mae and Uncle Tom." They don't give "Uncle Tom" no respect as a man. He's still a boy and will never be respected; he'll die being an old boy. The truth shall set you free. Br'own Thang-urtrillionaire, and I stand behind this message.